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Grasshopper 101: Data Lists



Grasshopper 101: Data Lists | #08 Cross Reference | Data List Matching

Grasshopper 101: Data Lists | #08 Cross Reference | Data List Matching

We continue covering Data List Matching in Grasshopper. In this tutorial, we review the basics of the "Cross Reference" component (Holistic option). Matching different streams of information is a key aspect of data management. This issue is broad and quite complex, but it is crucial for beginners to understand this topic. The video is an introductory tutorial, here we discuss only the basics of data list matching in Grasshopper. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:09 Cross-Reference find in Palettes 00:19 Connecting two lists of points | Cross-Reference component 01:15 Zoomable User Interface in Cross-Reference Component 01:26 Algorithm options | Cross-Reference Component | Holistic Option 01:49 Creating a list of numbers | Series Component 02:27 Creating an array of points | Construct Point Component 02:51 Analyzing Cross-Reference component outputs 04:20 Constructing a Grid of Points using Cross-Reference Component 05:33 Point List | Cross-Reference | Analyzing Constructed Grid 06:23 Point Order | Cross-Reference | Analyzing Constructed Grid 07:39 Closing LINKS: Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: AN ANSWER TO THE HOMEWORK QUESTION: _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)


Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #01 Conditional Operators

Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #01 Conditional Operators

What happens if....? In this tutorial, we briefly discuss the basics of constructing conditional statements using Conditional Operators in Grasshopper. We cover in-depth four conditional operators: Larger Than, Smaller Than, Equality and Similarity. This video is an introductory tutorial for beginners. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:10 Boolean variables, Boolean Toggle 01:25 Conditional Statements 01:37 Conditional Operators location in palettes 01:59 Creating an array of points using Range Component 02:15 Larger Than component | Conditional Operators 04:14 Smaller Than component | Conditional Operators 04:45 Equality component | Conditional Operators 05:35 Similarity component | Conditional Operators 06:12 Threshold input | Similarity Component 06:55 Absolute Difference output parameter | Similarity Component 08:58 Closing | Constructing other conditional statements COMPONENTS: "Larger Than" "Smaller Than" "Equality" "Similarity" "Range" "Boolean Toggle" LINKS: Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: Check out the explanation of the Similarity Component by David Rutten here: RECOMMENDED TUTORIALS Data Conversions in Grasshopper: CONTACT US AT: _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)
Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #04 Dispatch & Sift Pattern

Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #04 Dispatch & Sift Pattern

In this video, we continue covering Grasshopper components used for Data Filtering. We thoroughly review the Dispatch and the Sift Pattern components by comparing them. This video is an introductory tutorial for beginners. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:38 Dispatch component for data filtering 01:17 Creating Boolean Pattern with the Panel 01:37 Data conversion failed using Grasshopper Panel 01:47 Turn Off the Multiline Data Option for the Panel 02:27 Draw Paths and Draw Indices options in the Grasshopper Panel 02:39 Comparing the Dispatch to the Cull Pattern 03:53 Sift Pattern Component for data filtering 04:14 Sift Pattern data conversion from boolean to numbers 04:38 Sift Pattern output data tree structure 05:49 Sift Pattern filters data using non-binary patterns 06:45 Sift Pattern zoomable User Interface 07:15 How to filter data unevenly using Sift Pattern? 07:25 Closing COMPONENTS: "Series" (generating a list of numbers) "Cross Reference" (data list matching) "Construct Point" (create a point from coordinates) "Point List" (preview point indices) "Param Viewer" (view data tree structure) "Dispatch" (filter data using a boolean pattern) "Cull Pattern" (filter data using a boolean pattern) "Dot Display" (customized point preview) "Sift Pattern" (filter data using numerical patterns) "Panel" (input data, read output data) ANSWER TO THE HOMEWORK QUESTION: RECOMMENDED TUTORIALS Data Type Conversions: LINKS: Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: CONTACT US AT: Narrated by: Lina Vestarte _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)
Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #05 Filter Mesh Vertices | EXERCISE

Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #05 Filter Mesh Vertices | EXERCISE

EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we practice using Conditional and Logical Operators for Data Filtering. We learn how to create a mesh surface, based on the NURBS surface, and revise the concepts of data construction and deconstruction in Grasshopper This video is an introductory tutorial for beginners. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:45 Creating NURBS surface from corner points 01:00 Create Free-Form NURBS surface using Control Point modeling. 01:37 Reference the NURBS surface from Rhino to Grasshopper. 02:05 Create Mesh Surface from NURBS surface. 03:03 UV inputs to control mesh surface topology. 03:18 Mesh Surface from Trimmed NURBS Surface | the Overhang input 04:03 Equalize Mesh Surface edges | the Equalize input 05:10 Deconstruct Mesh to extract its vertices. 06:00 Deconstruct mesh vertices to extract their coordinates. 06:19 Comparing values with Conditional Operators | Smaller Than 06:50 Finding the Bounds of numerical values. 07:50 Filter mesh vertices using Cull Pattern component. 08:12 Assigning custom preview colors to filtered lists. 08:25 Comparing values with Conditional Operators | Larger Than 09:25 Comparing values with Conditional Operators | Smaller Than 09:53 Combine boolean results with the Gate And logical operator. 11:30 Organizing Grasshopper definition on the Canvas. 12:06 Closing COMPONENTS: Mesh Surface Deconstruct Mesh Deconstruct (Point) Bounds Smaller Than Larger Than Gate And Cull Pattern PREREQUISITE TUTORIALS: EXERCISE 01.A Mesh Color | LINKS: Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: CONTACT US AT: Narrated by: Lina Vestarte _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)
Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #06 Random Sequence

Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #06 Random Sequence

In this tutorial, you will find nearly all there is to know about creating Random Sequences in Grasshopper. We thoroughly cover the Random Reduce, Random, Jitter components and review different scenarios of their use for data filtering. Enjoy! This video is an introductory tutorial for beginners. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:35 Random Reduce component 01:10 Measure list length with the List Length component 01:44 Creating a box with the Center Box component 02:31 Orange wire warning in Grasshopper 02:52 Seed Input value in the Random Reduce 03:42 Generate a list of random numbers with Random component 05:18 Changing the Presets of the Gradient component 05:55 Deconstruct Domain to extract Lower and Upper limits for the Gradient 06:51 Generate random list of boolean values with Random component 08:36 Filter data using random boolean sequence | Dispatch component 09:17 Random Component output proportions 09:54 Randomly shuffle boolean values with the Jitter component 10:27 Repeat a pattern of values up to a certain length | Repeat Data 10:55 Manually Set Multiple Data Items for the input 12:46 Randomly shuffle a list of values with the Jitter component 13:20 Filter data using random numeric sequence | Sift Pattern 14:09 How to shuffle items divided into a certain number of groups and have randomly generated values for each group? 16:20 Closing RECOMMENDED TUTORIALS: The Gradient: LINKS: Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: CONTACT US AT: Narrated by: Lina Vestarte _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)
Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #08 Labeling Planar Geometry | EXERCISE

Grasshopper 101: Data Filtering | #08 Labeling Planar Geometry | EXERCISE

In this exercise, we are going to practice working with indices in Grasshopper. We are going to create text tags for a set of circles using their indices and identify the largest circle on the list by displaying its radius. And we will do that by applying custom mathematical expressions. Have fun! This video is an introductory tutorial for beginners. CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:23 Reference geometry into Grasshopper 00:40 Text Tag 3D component 01:06 Finding center points of planar closed curves 01:55 Using the Item Index component for text input 02:39 Scaling objects uniformly with the Scale component 03:02 Scaling objects individually in Grasshopper 03:42 Point On Curve component 04:57 Introduction to the Expression component 05:38 The list of available functions in the Expression component 05:54 Calculating the radius with the Expression component 07:25 Finding the largest value on a list with Deconstruct Domain 07:54 Extracting an index of a specific member in a list 08:34 Extracting an object from a list matching a specific value 09:16 Combine text fragments for labels 10:16 Extracting more than one object matching a specific value 10:32 Labels for fabrication, text for engraving with Open Nest 10:55 Rounding numbers, text format options, dimensions COMPONENTS: The Area component Text Tag 3D component The Scale component The Point On Curve component The Item Index component The Expression component The Bounds component The Deconstruct Domain component The Member Index component The List Item component The Concatenate component The Text component for engraving from OpenNest HOMEWORK MATERIAL Text Format: Rounding numbers: Finding Radius: You can find the radius of a circle with the "Deconstruct Arc" component, or create a line between the centroid and "Point on Curve" on the circle and measure the length of that line with the "Length" component. RECOMMENDED TUTORIALS Member Index and Item Index in detail here: OpenNest intro: LINKS Add-ons: Forum: Grasshopper component library: CONTACT US AT: Narrated by: Lina Vestarte _ Click LIKE, if you find the tutorial useful. Have a question or suggestion? Leave a comment below! Never miss a new tutorial - SUBSCRIBE :)


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